Updates! Miki signatures, Fulfillment, Megacon!
2 days ago
– Mon, Feb 03, 2025 at 07:52:36 PM
Good evening amazing Stakers!
I bring you so much wonderfulness.
Last time I was hear my head and face were a mess. I can't say my face is going to win any beauty contests, but after a little magical therapy, my head is back on straight and I'm back to working on everything!
Miki Signatures and Remarks
I think I mentioned Miki had the books in hand, well she has now completed her signing and remarks and the books are headed back to me from Japan! I don't know the speed of shipments from Japan, but I think we should be able to get these into the fulfillment pipeline this month!
Speaking of...
I have been able to pack up and ship about 1/3 of the physical orders. Unfortunately, I have been so slammed trying to catch up with life, it's really been a slow slog. Not being able to work or drive for four weeks will really set you back.
But I am back, and ready to get back out in the world, starting with...
Megacon is back and so am I! I will be at table A1 in artist alley all weekend and I'm bringing some Stakey goodness with me!
Extremely talented artist Sukesha Ray has joined the Stake family, providing us with a new cover for Stake #1 to kickoff the 5th anniversary of Stake as we get ready to launch into the next volume on Kickstarter next month!
We will both be at Megacon this year and I will have 50 numbered trade dress and 25 numbered virgin covers available at the show!
You can find us at A1 (me) and AF1 (Sukesha)!
Can't be at the show, but absolutely LOVE this cover like I do? We will be doing a different color variation that is open to order on the Stake #7 campaign next month!
Books have arrived!
29 days ago
– Wed, Jan 08, 2025 at 06:27:10 PM
The books are here and they look great!
Despite FedEx doing their best to keep our books in purgatory and trying to drive me crazy, 62 boxes have been delivered to my office!
I will begin working on this as quickly as I can. Unfortunately, I suffered head trauma between Christmas and new year and have been unable to do much of anything the last few weeks.
It’s been rough sledding, with dizziness/vertigo being the main culprit in preventing me from working on things.
I will do what I can, as quickly as I can, to get these awesome books in your hands!
Thank you again for your patience!
Happy Holidays! The books are almost here!
about 2 months ago
– Thu, Dec 19, 2024 at 02:54:19 PM
Happy Holidays amazing backers!
I can't believe how fast time is flying by. This year is almost over already and hopefully everyone has had a great one.
I come bearing news. or perhaps tidings of joy?
That would be the very large delivery of Stake Presents: Jessamy Vol 1 hardcovers, paperbacks, and leather editions!
I will out of town next week, but expect them to arrive before the new year! Anyone want to help me unload? :P
Also...for those of you who ordered Miki signatures and remarks, the books are in her hands in Japan!
Coming soon...
2025 marks the return of the main Stake series! Stake #7 is coming to Kickstarter sometime in Q1. We're already putting together some amazing covers and Francesca is back to drawing her favorite character. What has Angel been up to all this time? (she looks kind of tired to me...)
Join us soon and find out!
Long overdue Update! + Must see: A Pound of Flesh and Hospice TPB
4 months ago
– Tue, Oct 15, 2024 at 03:09:21 PM
First of all, thank you all for your patience!
You have been amazingly patient waiting for us to get the book ready.
It's taken way longer than anticipated, unfortunately it's been for myriad reasons behind the scenes for the team. Everyone is ok, but there have been some real trials and tribulations over the last few months that we could fill a book with. But that's not something I'm going to bore you with here!
Where do we stand?
Miki Covers - Trade Dress and Virgin are printed. Foil and Metal are en route to me now. As soon as I have everything, I'll be cutting off the option to purchase signatures and remarks and sending a package to Japan ASAP.
Collected editions - these will be sent to the printer by the end of this week!
91% of surveys are filled out, which is fantastic, but some of you are still needing to fill those out - if you're unsure, let me know and I'll send you a link.
If you only ordered Miki covers with no signatures from her, your books will be going out next week!
There are currently two other campaigns I'm directly involved with live on Kickststarter...
Leaves change. They grow bitter, turn amber, and fall. Nights become endless as shadows drag themselves about, covering all those haunting secrets and saving them for later.
One secret stretches back to the turn of the century, readying a startling journey into the dark heart of a small, 19th-century Pennsylvanian mining town. A Pound of Flesh is that secret. Timothy Vandenberg, a seasoned talent in the film industry, has a nightmare in his mind that only comics can reproduce, and we're kicking off this horrific journey with an oversized issue bursting with 32 pages of story!
Make sure the batteries in your flashlights are good, and follow along to see what we can find in the shadows...
Includes covers by Michael Okoro and Eranga D!
Less than 48 hours to go and less than $400 from funding, check it out!
Demons are real. They live inside evil men, feeding off their hate and depravity. And when they're at the end of their lives, there's no better place for their demons to be ushered into our world than Rising Suns Hospice.
Last year, myself and 5 other creators ran individual campaigns with a common thread. No you can get them all collected in a soft or hardcover trade paperback!
This just launched today, so check it out!
Surveys going out and an exclusive signing opportunity with Miki Okazaki!
6 months ago
– Tue, Aug 20, 2024 at 07:09:29 PM
Hello all!
We're putting the finishing touches on the collected edition so we can get it off to the printer in the next week or so.
In the meantime, surveys are going out NOW.
Miki Okazaki signatures available!
We have an opportunity to send books to Miki for signatures and even remarks!
The price is a little high because of shipping to and from Japan, but anyone who purchased, or adds on a Miki book can purchase a signature for $10 or a remark for $60.
If you do add these options on, please note it will likely add 3+ months to fulfillment time, but we will get them out as quickly as possible!
Cthulhu Invades Fairly Tales is live!
The fourth book in the Cthulhu Invades series is live now and I have a story set in my birth city - Hameln (Hamelin), Germany! I finally got to tell a Pied Piper story, with art by Elias Gambit Melendez!
Make sure to check this out with all the other awesome fair tales invaded by Cthulhu!
Be on the lookout for those surveys in the next few days!